Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why Man can marry until four Wife but Women can't?

Have one American people ask to the one Arab Muslim.
" Are you from Saudi Arabia?".... The Arab say "Yes".
The American ask again " Are you Muslim?". Then, The Arab repeat his answers.
Then that American ask The Arab again... "HOW MANY WIFE THAT YOU HAVE?".
The Arab answer back,
 "You see Sir , Islam is solution to you problem. In your country have about 7.8 Million Women more then Men if all men get Married. Not all men want get married because they don't want responsibility after get a sex. Then, another problem come when another 28 Million women can't get husband. Do you know why?.. because 28 Million men are Sodomy or you call them GAY. So, Now have about 28 Million + 7.8 Million = 35.8 Million Women (only in USA) can't get husband if all Men get married. What is the solution?.. Islam is the solution to your problem."  

Allah say in Quran

" ...Marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one." (Quran 4:3)". 

The only book religion on earth have make statement MARRY ONLY ONE is Quran.
Islam is the solution to you problem. 

Now you know one of the reason why Islam allowed Men marry until 4 but majority Men marry only one because they can't just more then one women.

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